24th DECEMBER 2018
Fellow Gambians,
Distinguished listeners and viewers,
As we join the international community to observe Christmas tomorrow, it is a special delight and privilege to deliver this goodwill message to all of you. Once again, I am immensely grateful to the Almighty God for granting us the favour of living to share messages, thoughts and prayers of the season. As believers in God, Christmas means a lot for many Gambians. However, this is particularly so for the Christian community, all of whom I congratulate on this solemn occasion.
Distinguished listeners and viewers,
Christmas ushers in a season of blessings, joy, family reunion, rest, hope, prayers and thanksgiving.
It is a period when religious differences disappear in The Gambia, and the true spirit of sharing and loving becomes evident. No wonder, everyone looks forward to it eagerly.
For us, Christmas has much value for both Christians and Muslims, as it brings both religions together in very peaceful and touching ways. The unique source of such unity is that we all believe, and accept without question, that Jesus (Peace be upon him) was one of the greatest prophets of God; hence, we attach much significance to his birth. It is not surprising, therefore, that both Christians and Muslims celebrate Christmas together.
In this respect, The Gambia provides an enviable model of tolerance and peaceful coexistence for the whole world to emulate.
It is a blessing that Gambians are favourably positioned to harness the religious values that blend very neatly with our rich cultural heritage. The enviable social values we share and the democratic principles guide our vision of building a model nation of peace, development, prosperity and unity.
Certainly, wisdom dictates that we persist in demonstrating to the whole world what religious tolerance, good neighbourliness and peaceful coexistence mean. Let us show how socio-cultural values can accord amicably with democratic values, principles, institutions and operations in the interest of all.
It is up to us to harness and sustain the culture of support, tolerance, patience, uprightness and willingness to serve and coexist with family, friends and neighbours without the least desire to hurt or harm them.
These are all outcomes of the teachings transmitted to us through our belief and social systems. We thank God for all these mercies!
As a people we are concern about the youth, upon whom the nation reposes its hopes and aspirations for the much needed talent, skills, leadership roles and human capital for national development.
Like other nations, our borders are open to other nationals of different backgrounds and experiences. In like manner, Gambian citizens interact with non-Gambians in foreign lands. Some of us were trained or have lived in other countries with different socio-political settings.
Distinguished listeners and viewers,
Occasions, such as Christmas, should help to reflect on our circumstances, assess the consequences of our actions and ask ourselves soul-searching questions.
The answers to such questions should strengthen us, if we are on the right track; otherwise, they should compel us to repent and amend our ways.
In this regard, I ask all religious leaders, as always, not to falter or despair in delivering educative sermons that are strong enough to penetrate our hearts, soften us and help us to live as pious people.
In spite of this plea, I thank all religious leaders with sincerity, and I thank all Gambians and friends of The Gambia for the support they continue to render and for their contribution to the development of our dear motherland.
As President, entrusted with the welfare of all Gambians and residents within the country, I am determined to work for peace, happiness, progress, unity, development and for all the good things we wish ourselves, families and loved ones.
Therefore, I entreat you all to join me and my government in achieving these ideals.
As a government, guided by the National Development Plan, we will continue to commit ourselves to democracy, good governance and the attainment of our development agenda. We are committed and resolved, and will remain firm, to ensure that we deliver as required by the mandate, trust and confidence bestowed upon us. However, national development is a collective responsibility; therefore, I ask that we work together as a united people and nation.
Distinguished listeners and viewers,
As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember, support and pray for the less fortunate, especially the sick and those affected by one form of grief or another.
I wish you all a very blessed, peaceful and memorable Christmas, and I pray that we live long to celebrate many happy returns of the season, while growing stronger in faith individually and, collectively, as a nation.
Merry Christmas to you all!